Monday, December 29, 2008

Doris the Amish fdau

After working in the milk house for her morning chores. She went in to her dear family to prepare them a hot breakfast. Husband, "Chonie" (Cliff) was ready to head to the back forty to plow the field with his team of Shauf gaul. Oh it was going to be another day of lots of work. Raising a family of 12 meant there was a lot of mouths to feed and lots of work to be done. They were hosting church next Sunday. All of the children would do their part, but then she took off her bonnet and plugged in her lap top and sold Lonbaberger to all her faithful customers.


Rhonda Schrock said...

So funny!!

Val said...

Ich vunner et sie kennt mich un goodah discount gevvah. Ay yi yi, sie sin so atlich diyah, un ich muss nie henching, brot, undt nei Sundaag vammus kauffuh fuh die boovah an die Amish shtoah.

Darrell said...

LOL, that is hilarious.