Thursday, January 22, 2009

She's a Sip Short of a Slurp

Jessa went to church with her pants on backward, luckily it was jersey night and it covered her bottom. She told her dad that her pants felt tight as they ran out the door. I took one look at her when they got home and just lost it laughing at my ditsy daughter. Believe me the rear view was priceless too with a zipper running down her crack. It was another life lesson--"hey kids the tag always goes in the back."

Friday, January 16, 2009

What To Do On A Snowy Day

Jessa, the craft queen, drew silly pictures on our dry erase board. The picture frame says, " I am a grandp and I am in florida". yes, the spelling errors are just like she wrote them. No time for winter boredom here.

Halle and Jessa dressed up
Oscar as a true princess.

The boys dressed up as
conducter cheerleader-Paxon; fairy old mother-Tanner; and caveman-Randy

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Brown Mackie College

I am attending college classes to receive a degree in Physical Therapy. The past six months have been a drastic change from staying at home with little ones, to running out the door with the kids to get to school. My classes challenge me, and the ability to complete each assignment usually renders much discipline. My family along with my mom, Steve, and Karen help out around here a lot and also with taking care of Paxon. Once I receive my degree I will write their names beside mine on the certificate, of course with an invisible pen. That's what I have been doing for those of you who have lost touch with the Kauffman family. Gotta run --I should be researching for my compare and contrast research paper due next week.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

No Stitches,No Broken Teeth, No Concussion

Today after school the kids thought that sledding on our driveway would be fun. Usually they get a running start, drop their sled, and sailing down a mogul they've created. Unfortunately, Logan kissed the driveway; He doesn't remember what happened. H e must have blacked out from hitting the icy driveway. No stitches, broken teeth, and no concussion; wow, protecting angels live here.
BTW, Logan was home from school last week for three days with strep throat.